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Network Automation: What is it, and why is it essential to your business?

Automation and optimisation are rapidly becoming the bread and butter of the modern business world. To succeed, and remain competitive in today’s market, it is essential for businesses to invest in and implement robust network automation software and tools within their infrastructure.

From business operations to security management to data compliance, the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence and machine learning is unlocking astounding possibilities, allowing your business to pursue avenues that were once the stuff of science fiction.

What is Network Automation?

Network automation refers to the automation and resource allocation of network and security infrastructure through an advanced A.I. software ecosystem that maximises your network’s efficiency and functionality. Network automation is often used as a supporting counterpart to network virtualisation initiatives.

Why is Network Automation important to the modern enterprise?

Modern IT departments require the ability to act with speed, agility and unbroken consistency when it comes to managing traditional and cloud-native applications. With a cutting-edge network automation platform, many of the menial IT tasks, such as resource allocation, network mapping and network testing, are fully automated.

Network Automation allows your IT team to swiftly implement and optimise solutions, and redirect their focus to higher-tier objectives such as product and service innovation. This positions your business to embrace the fruits of the future by unlocking the opportunity to pursue efforts of innovation and easily integrate emerging technologies.

Top uses for Network Automation

Keen to learn more? Keep an eye out for our next blog, where we will be exploring the ‘Top Uses for Network Automation’:

  • Evolved Security

  • Compliance Management

  • Cloud Acceleration

  • Optimise Your Network

  • Minimise Downtime and Outages

Looking for more insight?

Download our latest Ebook, ‘ExtremeCloud™ IQ: The Art of Network Automation’, to learn more about how Extreme Networks and First Technology can evolve your business through Network Automation.

For any additional information, please get in touch with Jolene Strydom on or call us directly on 021 525 7000.

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